Got Content Creation ADD? WordPress 4.1 to the Rescue

New features of WordPress 4.1
Table of Contents
    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

    WordPress 4.1 is slated to be released today, a Hanukkah gift, or early Christmas gift, from Automattic. One of the biggest features will help those that get easily distracted when creating their web content (oh, something shiny over there…)

    Here’s the rundown of new features available in WordPress 4.1

    Improved “distraction-free” writing view

    In the editor for posts and pages, when you click the small button in the upper left-hand corner of the content area to show just the content area, right and left sidebars will dramatically fade away. What remains is just your content area to focus on creating mind-blowing information that will rocket your business to new heights! Or, something like that. If you want the other controls back, you can click the button again, or just move your mouse to where the controls should be and they’ll come right back.

    Inline image alignment

    This new feature means you no longer have to edit the image to change its position on the page. A handy little improvement that can add up to saving a good amount of time when dealing with lots of images.

    Recommended view for new plugins

    In addition to Featured and Popular, there is now a Recommended tab when adding new plugins. This tab shows you plugins that are frequently used with the plugins you already have installed. A handy way to find more plugins that could be useful for your site.

    Logout everywhere

    If you happen to be logged into your WordPress site from more than one location, your Profile page now provides a button at the bottom to log you out of all locations. This is great if you forgot to logout from a public computer or lost your mobile device.

    Language settings and on-demand language pack installs

    Turns out, not everyone speaks English. So, if you want to change your site language, you can do that from Settings > General. If you select a language that you don’t have the language pack installed for, you will be prompted to install it.

    Vine embeds via URL

    I personally couldn’t get this one to work yet, but supposedly you can now embed Vines the same way you embed YouTube videos or Tweets, simply by putting in the URL.

    New Default Theme: Twenty Fifteen

    WordPress default themesĀ are nice for something to look at when you get started, but none of them really knock my socks off. The newest one is super clean and I could see it being used for a simple blog.

    Anything you are particularly looking forward to using? Personally, I’m excited about the improvements to the distraction-free view, I have a tendency to… hey, what’s that link do?

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