Why Wireless Can Be Dangerous

Danger - Free WiFi
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    Danger - Free WiFiFor all its benefits and conveniences, wireless networks are probably one of your most overlooked security risks. If you have a wireless network at home, make sure you have it password protected! This not only prevents sharing your precious bandwidth with the neighbors, but also keeps out bad guys who want to snoop on you or are looking for networks to use for their illegal purposes.

    When using public wireless networks (like your local coffee shop), it is best to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to protect your connection. It isn’t complicated, a VPN is just another connection you make once you are on wireless to keep your network traffic private. Think of using VPN like wearing shower shoes in the gym shower. It is a layer of protection for you that is pretty easy to use, and a lot of people don’t (which makes it more important that you do).

    If you aren’t using a VPN when on public wireless networks, it is possible for others to see all your network traffic and possibly grab some of the information. That means the person next to you in the coffee shop can see which sites you are visiting and potentially intercept information you input on websites. While your banking login information is safe because it is transferred via https, everything else (your email included) is open to prying eyes.

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