Being Human – The Ultimate Security Flaw

Your weakest link
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    Your weakest link“Four friends just answered 20 questions about you – click here to find out what they said.”

    “This application is infected. Click here to activate the software for $39.95.”

    “I need to transfer $47 million dollars into your account.”

    “Grandma, I just got mugged and need you to wire me money.”

    Any of these phrases should immediately trigger alarm bells for a savvy Internet user. Scammers today have upped their game and will use any bit of information about you to create a more believable scenario to part you from your money or information. The above phrases are just a few examples of “malware” in the modern age. From Facebook tricks to ransomware and phishing, today’s bad guy doesn’t need to have any sophisticated tools to get what he wants.

    Human psychology will work against you and for the bad guy if you let it. Be aware that even though the email looks like it is from someone you know, if it doesn’t sound right then just call them. Don’t let ego or fear get in the way of your better judgment.

    If an application is asking for money to fix a program, it is a scam and you need to run your anti-malware right away. If you see a post from someone on Facebook telling you to click a link to watch a funny video or win prize,s and that friend typically never posts stuff like that, then don’t click the link and call your friend. If you get a call from someone you don’t know that wants to fix your computer, it is probably a scam – don’t tell them anything and get off the phone.

    Always listen to your inner skeptic and take a minute to verify anything that doesn’t sound quite right. Your personal information is out there, more now than ever because of Facebook and other social media. You can’t trust that just because something mentions information that is personal & real, that it can be believed.

    What is the most convincing scam you have heard about? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

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