Time for a Change – Your Website

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    Is your website starting to feel like last Fall’s pants?

    You know the feeling, kind of uncomfortable, rubbing in wrong places, and feels unflattering and you aren’t totally excited about wearing them in public.

    If that’s true for your site, my friend, it’s time for a change.

    I believe websites are assets.

    That is, we invest in them so they can create value for you and your clients through maximizing access, functionality, efficiency, and effectiveness.

    That “this no longer fits” feeling that creeps in over time can be a sign you need an update.

    Here’s how you can know if your website needs an update:

    1. Is it doing its job? (and if you haven’t defined that, just pause this video and go do that now)

    2. Does its job definition need an update? Websites are not just for sales and marketing, they are also for customer service, referrals, recruiting, operations, there are so many functions a website can function with that change over time.

    3. What functionality does the site need to do its job?

    So first we think about the job, then then we define how it’s going to do its job, and finally we use content and systems to make it do its job.

    The good news/bad news about website updates is that they can be easy. This is good news because you might be able to avoid tackling a whole overhaul by making tweaks and adjustments over time.

    This can be bad news because we either avoid doing that, or once it starts, it continues and there’s no end to the project, which is why the goal is important.

    And just like donating those old pants and getting the perfectly fitting, flattering new pair, making the changes to your website means having more confidence to show up for your audience and deliver.

    And your website can finally support you.

    So take action now by making sure your website has a clearly defined job, see if that job has changed since you last updated it, and determine what updates need to be made.


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