That’s Not What Email is For! Website Submissions Edition

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    Do your website form submissions come to your email?


    You have a contact form of some sort on your website, right? And you hope that your ideal clients enter their email and connect with you through this form, yes?

    Great, that’s wonderful…now, where are those contact form submissions going?

    If they are going only to your email, I’m here to say…that’s not what email is for!

    What happens if that email never actually arrives? If you are on vacation and can’t respond right away? What happens when that information is stuck in your email and not where it really belongs? Womp womp – that’s when we lose clients, time, and leverage.

    So what do you do instead?

    The first thing is to record the submission. That means that there is some place that tracks how many submissions are coming in, when, how they were submitted, etc. Many form services will do this for you. Check to see if your form platform is tracking these items for you.

    Second, beyond tracking, that information needs to go where it belongs – maybe that’s a CRM, a customer database, a change form, whatever it is, it needs to go where it belongs, not just in an email for you to copy and paste somewhere.

    This is important because then nothing gets lost, you can track your success, and it saves you time so you can spend your time creating, maintaining, and developing the actual relationship instead of doing this back-end work.

    So take action today – go see if your form service is tracking submissions for you. And then make sure you are loading that information into the platform where you actually need to use it, like your CRM.

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