More “About” on your About Page

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    Let’s talk about…your About page!

    One of the places I have seen people struggle the most with their website, maybe without even knowing, is the About Us page.

    Basically this is the page on your website that tells visitors who you are and what you are about.

    I’ve seen 3 really common mistakes here:

    1. It lacks any “about” information.

    When people come to this space, they really want to know about you, the company, the people they will work with. Not just some platitude about “we do stuff for people, call us.”

    This page is really the opportunity for them to get to know you a little bit. So be sure to make it personal.

    2. Stock photos.

    I want a picture of a person. Please don’t give me stock photos on your About Page.

    Make this an opportunity for me to make a connection and relationship with you. Because at the end of the day, people do business with people. So don’t be afraid to put actual pictures of people.

    3. Not using this opportunity to talk about all the things you do.

    If you’ve been on a podcast, have awards, had an article written about your company, mention that!

    Bring in the outside “social proof” and other places people can learn about you.

    So take a quick look at your about page and see where it may need a little refreshing.

    And if you want more information about how to structure your pages or how to build your website, let’s connect for a power hour to talk through what would work best for you.

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