How Much Does a Good Website Cost?

How Much Does a Good Website Cost?
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    What should a good website cost?

    This is a question business owners ask all of the time.

    When we talk to clients about investments in their websites (and your website IS an investment) the first thing we want them to figure out is what job their website has.

    You don’t pay the receptionist the same as the sales person – the same goes with your website. The level of investment you make in a brochure like site – one that’s there to just represent you online – versus an online store that actually is your salesperson is very different.

    So getting really clear about the function that your website has gives you guidance into how much you would be willing to invest in it.

    The other point is that your website is a business asset.

    It’s there to generate value for your business. So it truly is an investment when you consider it’s role and the value it brings your business as an asset.

    The other thing to consider is that websites can also improve customer experience. They can act as a world class service agent.

    Once you’re clear on the role your website plays, you’re ready to start looking.

    So what are some actual costs to consider?

    Depending on what you are looking for, here are some actual dollar amounts you can expect.

    For just a landing page, these start at around $1,500 depending on what you need it for, who it’s speaking to, and what its job is.

    If you are thinking about a beginner website, I wouldn’t expect to pay less than $500, and maybe more, depending on who is creating the content.

    If you are looking for a next level, professional website, those are probably $8,000+ (the plus coming from the fact that there is often a lot more going on with a website than meets the eye. Behind the scenes there may need to be a lot going on with your site to increase the SEO, functionality, and value).

    If you are looking at e-commerce, that will most likely be $10,000+ depending on the type of store you are building.

    If you are trying to nail down which type of investment you want to make in your online business asset (website), message us, we can help you make a decision.


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