Heat Maps: What Are They and How to Use Them

what's a heat map and how to use them
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    I’m sure you’ve heard of heat maps, but… do you care about them?

    Here’s what they are and why you DO need to care about them.

    A heat map is a way to track what a user is doing on a web page.

    Unlike Google Analytics which show us where a user came from and what they clicked on, heat maps show us the in between. What happens between entering your site and clicking on something. Essentially, they fill in the gap in user experience that we can’t see otherwise.

    So heat maps allow us to see the users’ behaviors, what they are choosing, where they are spending their time, where their eyes are looking.

    This can be powerful information, especially for landing pages. Heat maps can help us answer questions like “what do you feature on your homepage?”, “why isn’t this page converting?”, “where are users clicking that we didn’t expect?”

    Heat maps help us learn this behavior and then accommodate.

    Essentially, they are a tool that helps make your website and landing pages more valuable because you can adapt to your users.

    If you would like more information about how you can use heat maps or how to make better landing pages that convert, we’d love to help. Contact us to get started.


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