Evolution of Email

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    Email was the precursor to the Web as we know it today but the Web is a different place today and email has evolved. Have your email habits evolved as well, or are you still stuck in the stone ages?

    This video is a quick look at the beginning of email and how email has evolved. Sadly, for many people, the use of email hasn’t yet changed.  Once a to-do list, appointment keeper and contact manager, there are now much better tools for doing all of those things. If you need some help with finding the resources, I’ve got you covered!

    TekGrl Quick Tips:

    • Email is NOT an Appointment Manager/Calendar
    • Email is NOT a Task Manager
    • Email is NOT a Contact Manager
    • Use Messaging, Snapchat and Texting for immediate replies… NOT email

    If you ever hope to overcome the battle of too many emails in your inbox and actually enjoy the feeling of control over your time and attention, then how you use email needs to change.

    And don’t forget to tell me what your email issues are in the comments below!

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