
Old timey hit counters

Confused by Website Analytics? Google Wants to Teach You

Analytics have come a looonngg way from the days of a hit counter at the bottom of the page. The availability of Google Analytics gives everyone access to one of the most sophisticated web analytics tools on the planet, so there isn’t any reason you shouldn’t be tracking the traffic to your site! Tracking is…

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Oscar Peterson - namesake of WordPress 3.6

Get in the Know – WordPress 3.6

This month, WordPress released “Oscar” (no, not the Grouch – a.k.a version 3.6) into the wild. Originally slated to launch in the spring and contain workflow enhancements, this version went through quite a few iterations before finally making its way to release. As always, be sure to backup before installing the update. Even though this…

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BackupBuddy - WordPress Backup

WordPress Backup – Why I chose BackupBuddy

The first rule of technology is: always have a backup. This applies to servers, computers, external drives and especially websites. No matter how careful you are, websites are still vulnerable to attack, servers still crash and hard drives die. It used to be that backing up was either very time & labor intensive or very…

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Security Isn't Easy

The Inconvenient Truth: Easy = Less Secure

The simple fact is that convenience is the opposite of security. The easier things are for you to use, the easier they are for someone else to get into. In a world where all your devices and information are connected together, it is a tough pill to swallow to set up security measures that add…

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Secure WordPress

WordPress & Security – What You Need to Know

As you might be aware, WordPress has been the target of ongoing hacker attacks for several weeks. Many have wondered why lowly little sites are being targeted because they don’t necessarily have customer data or credit card numbers. The reason for the massive attack is that the bad guys are looking for ways to either…

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get your domain

Where to Buy Your Domain & Domain Tips

When purchasing a domain for your business (or for personal use), there are many options out there. A lot of places offer a free domain if you also have your website with them. While that can be enticing, there are good reasons to keep your domain and website hosting (the place where you build your…

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The Voice of Fraud – Fake Malware

I used to think there was nothing worse than malware.  That was until the evil minds of fraud came up with fake malware phone calls. The scam starts with someone calling you claiming that they have a report that your computer was infected with a virus on their website. While you certainly can get a virus by…

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