Your Website Isn’t Doing Its Job

Website Isn’t Doing Its Job
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    Is your website just not working for you? I talk to business owners all the time who are just fed up with trying to get anything from their websites. They’ve worked on it, hired the people, and paid the money—yet they’re still frustrated. After all of that, their website isn’t doing its job. It’s not even a contribution to their business.

    If you’re like many business owners, your clients are still coming from networking events and referrals. Or they’re just falling from the sky somehow. The problem with that is that there’s just no predictable, easy way to know when those new clients are coming. Don’t you wish your website could pick up the slack and start bringing you clients?

    Why Your Website Isn’t Doing Its Job

    Here’s the thing: Your website is probably really trying. Maybe it’s not asking people to do the things it should. If it is, wonderful! But maybe there aren’t the people coming to your website to do the things it’s asking them to do. These are the most common issues I see behind why that website isn’t doing its job.

    If you’re having these issues, believe me: you’re not alone. Stop being frustrated. If your website isn’t doing its job, I can help. Schedule some time now so we can chat and learn more about each other. I guarantee you that we can make a difference and turn that website around.

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