Skillful Asking: 3 Step Framework for Getting Clear on Your Ask

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    Let’s talk about building the skill of asking.

    How do you make sure you’re going to get what you need when you ask somebody for something?

    I myself am working on this skill of asking, and here’s what I’ve learned so far:

    If I’m not crystal clear on what I’m asking for, I’m probably not going to get what I need.

    So here’s a 3 step process of questioning you can consider when you’re thinking about asking for something:

    1. What is the purpose? What is the reason that you’re even thinking that you need this thing you are asking for? Consider this so that you can get really crystal clear on what the purpose is.
    2. What process are you willing to go through to get this thing? So if you want more leads, super, are you willing to invest hard money? Or time? What process(es) are you willing to take on? Or what process are you not willing to take on to get there?
    3. What’s the path? What are you really after at the end of this to get to what you want?

    Thinking about these three things means that you can get super clear on your ask before you go out in the world and start asking around.

    If you enjoyed this or want more guidance on how to ask for what you want, connect with me, I’d love to share what I’ve learned with you.

    PS- A special thank you to Tara Newman, who I credit with teaching me this system.

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