Send Multiple Emails in Gmail at Once? Streak Does That

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    Streak - send multiple emails from Gmail at onceIt is no secret that I’m a fan of Streak, the CRM that lives inside Gmail. I even did a Video Overview to show off all the great functionality it offers. Those guys over at Streak have been busy adding more nifty features, making an even better tool for entrepreneurs and small businesses. Streak is free for now, they plan on introducing paid plans in the future but will always have a free plan. Recently, they introduced a new feature. Here’s how to send multple emails in Gmail at once.

    Whatever you choose to use Streak for; sales, customer support, fundraising, event planning or almost anything else you are managing, you will eventually encounter the need to send the same email to multiple people at once. However, you typically would like to have those emails customized so that each one appears personal. There are options out there, but most are hard to use or don’t let you personalize. Streak’s new mail merge feature has both, giving you the power to send multiple emails in Gmail at once.

    To send out mass customized emails, you need a list of email addresses but also the data to customize each email – like the person’s name, address or even the most recent product they bought. If you’re a current Streak user, you already have this data in your Pipelines – so you are ready to go.

    Are you new to Streak, or just want to send an email to people not in your Pipeline? No sweat, you can easily create a new pipeline and import the data from a CSV file. Other improvements in the latest version of Streak include in-app help and more controls inside the Gmail interface. While it wasn’t hard to use Streak before, the integration improvements have made it even easier and more obvious to use. Plus, it looks like there is an iPhone app coming in the next couple weeks.

    Streak Brings Mail Merge to Gmail | Streak Blog

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