Getting Your Goals On in Google Analytics

Making Analytics Useful - Using Goals
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    Setting up Google Analytic Goals

    Sure, there’s a gigantic amount of data in Google Analytics. But don’t let that stop you from ferreting out the information that is waiting to put cash in your pocket. One way to do this is to set up Goals.

    Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out what even matters when you start diving into Google Analytics. Goals are one way to very clearly identify what you want to have happen on your site and be able to easily and quickly track it.

    Why Goals?

    Like any endeavor, goals will clearly define what you want to achieve. You’ve got them for your business, you need them for your website. Afterall, your website is a business investment. How will you know if it is a good one if you aren’t measuring its success?

    When visitors come to your website, you should have very specific things you want to have them do. If you’ve got an ecommerce store, the end-game is getting the sale. If you are selling services, maybe you want them to submit your contact form or sign up for your list.

    Setting up Goals in Google Analytics

    There are many options to create goals in Google Analytics

    Many times as business owners we run promotions or specific campaigns. These also have goals associated with them and setting up metrics is a critical part of understanding success and being to duplicate that success (or avoid the failure).

    Goals for websites are really no different than business goals. Having a clear picture of what you want to happen helps to ensure that you’re creating the path to accomplishing that.

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