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    better internet searchingYou’ve got questions? Google (or Bing) has answers. The trouble is that you have to know exactly the right way to ask the question to get the answer you seek. While search engines have gotten a lot better about speaking “human,” they aren’t perfect. If you want to get your answers fast and wield Google like Sherlock Holmes used observation & logic, then make sure you know the steps to maximize your internet research.

    For me, I try to always use basic key words to start, then modify my search based on the results I get. For example if I start out looking for “quote app iOS,” I will review the results on the first page and based on what I see refine it to “quote image app iOS.” That way I’m more likely to find an app that will make a picture from a quote I like, rather than apps that will just keep track of quotes I like.

    What are your best tips for finding answers online fast? Be sure to share in the comments.

    How To Do Internet Research | Project Eve

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