Do you need a coach, a course, or a consultant?

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    Over the last 8 years, I’ve gotten lots of types of help in my business.

    But to be honest, at first I thought I didn’t need help-BOY was I wrong!

    So you will need help, but what kind?

    Well, first things first in figuring it out- know yourself.

    Take a deep breath and be really, really honest. Are you a quick starter? Do you need to have all the info before you take action? Are you a planner? If you are given info, will you actually do something with it?

    Be really honest about the kind of person you are right now and what would be the most helpful for you.

    And then get really specific about the problem you want help with.

    If you don’t know and you’re like “AHH, hair-on-fire!!” maybe you just need another person to help.

    But if you know your specific problem is sales or marketing or something specific, great- the more specific you are, the more you can get help. If you can narrow down the topic, then a course may be what you need.

    If you are more general in what you need, then move on to the next question: how fast do you need help?

    Is this a problem you need to solve now or one you can take some time with?

    This is important because info takes time to implement, especially if you are doing it by yourself.

    So if you need to move fast, involving a human might be a good idea.

    That brings us to coach or consultant?

    Well, ask yourself how much hand holding do you need.

    If someone comes in and defines the problem, and tells you what to do, is that enough? That sounds like help from a consultant.

    Or do you need someone to come back and ask you, “did you do it, did you do it? Why didn’t you do it? What’s the problem? What do you need?”

    In that case you may need a coach.

    The point is that all of them – coaches, courses, consultants – are great at different times for different things. None of them is the perfect answer for everything, but if you are clear about yourself the problem you are trying to solve, that will help you decide.

    If you think you are ready for help, but would like to talk through what type, or you know you could use some consulting services, connect with us!

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