Top 5 Marketing Analytics Tools Your Business Needs

5 Tools Any Successful Marketing Analytics Expert Uses
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    Did you know that about 70% of business owners have no idea if their marketing dollars are working or not? Some of them don’t use any tracking tools. Others have the tracking tools but aren’t using them. And since this is an easy marketing fix, let’s talk about the top 5 marketing analytics tools your business needs – and we recommend.

    So if you’re wondering where to put your marketing dollars – maybe in Facebook ads or in upgrading your website – let’s show you where the data is so you can make great marketing decisions.

    The #1 Marketing Analytics Tool: Google Analytics

    There’s a reason Google Analytics is amazing – it tracks so much data for you! Now, if you aren’t using Google Analytics, maybe you’re using Call Tracking instead. Either way, these tools generate tremendous amounts of data. And this data? Well, it gives you huge insights into so many aspects of your business and website that it’s literally business and life-changing once you start using it all.

    #2 & #3: Data Studio and Search Console

    Two more great Google products that are sources of endless data are Data Studio and Search Console.

    Data Studio helps you generate amazing, repeatable, customizable reports and has a huge library of templates to choose from. You can take a template and customize it for your own needs or build your own. They’re so much fun!

    And Search Console is an underutilized key to making sure that your website is indexed, easily found, and for checking technical issues. Seriously – it’s a practically untapped gold mine of information, especially when it comes to Search Engine Optimization.

    #4 & #5: Heatmaps and Monthly Reports

    The final two marketing analytics tools that I live by are heatmaps and monthly reports.

    Have you ever wished you could be a fly on the wall to watch people use your website? That way, you’d know what works, what doesn’t, and how to fix it so that everything was awesome? Well, you can stop envying that fly. That’s what a heatmap does. You don’t have to guess about what works and what won’t – and then you can use that data to build an awesome website that builds your business for you.

    The final tool is monthly reports. There’s so much data out there from so many sources that we’re averaging about 20 different types of monthly reports per client! And all of that data helps us to help our clients know what they should be blogging about, what marketing dollars are well-spent and which are busts, and how else we can drive traffic to their website. And so much more!

    And the great part about these tools and monthly reports is that it practically turns your business into a paint by numbers… In other words, your marketing team gives you the data, and you get gorgeous, guaranteed returns so that you can focus on doing what you do best.

    Want to know more about Data Studio or how to get all of this beautiful data working for you already? Then let’s chat.

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