Repurpose Content—on Purpose

Repurposing Content —on Purpose
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    Are you sick and tired of creating new content? Are you running out of ideas? What about getting on Facebook Live, blogs, or other types of content ideas? Here’s a little secret: You may already have all of the content you’ll need. The trick is to repurpose content in new and different ways to reach and engage a broader audience. But you have to repurpose on purpose.

    Step 1: Create an Editorial Calendar

    Marketing is not new. Even though we have all of these new ways to reach and connect with audiences, there’s really nothing new under the sun. Video is so accessible these days, but it’s still marketing. The best approach to marketing (and to repurpose content) is to create a plan so that everything works together. And that’s where an editorial calendar comes in.

    Your editorial calendar walks you through the things your audience wants to hear about. By following a well-developed calendar, you can put a new angle on an old piece of content. Turn a blog into a video or infographic. Take a deeper dive into an old blog and concentrate on one specific aspect. Instead of coming up with a new idea, repurpose content. After all, your audience’s problems probably aren’t going to change that much from year to year.

    Make It Interesting

    For that old content to engage and interest your audience, it needs to have a new angle. That’s how you repurpose content on purpose. You follow your editorial calendar, or plan, for content. You figure out your audience, what their top problems are, and what you’re helping them solve. Then you talk about those problems.

    Interesting content is important. That’s because it helps you get found in search engines. It helps you get picked up by media. And it helps to establish you as the expert. But coming up with new content all the time is, well, exhausting. So if you can repurpose content on purpose, you’ll create a huge win.

    How Do You Repurpose Content?

    If you’ve been successful with repurposing content, I’d love to hear about it. Or if you have a question about creating an editorial calendar and being strategic, let me know. Leave a comment on this blog, look for FieryFX on social media, and contact us to learn more.


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