simple machines


The Simple Machine of Analytics

When you started your business, you probably didn’t think so much about the mechanics behind the scenes. But the truth is that analytics drive what you do and how you do it. And probably even why you do it. My Origin of Analytics My parents opened a restaurant the year I was born. But not…

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The Simple Machine of Technology

In exploring the simple machine of technology, I look back to when my parents owned a restaurant. Naturally, my first job was doing data entry for my Dad. He had written the computer programs to process and analyze the sales and labor data for his restaurant. But in order for those to work, the numbers…

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The Simple Machine of Smart Business

I spent the first four years of my business half-ass attempting to implement everyone else’s systems—and it sucked. Late nights, money stress, racing to meet deadlines, and having zero confidence about everything because it felt like I was doing it all for the first time. I definitely was not being a smart business professional in…

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The Simple Machines of Business: Websites

The Simple Machines of Business: Websites

Have you ever found yourself in a situation that feels straight out of a sitcom? That happened for me on February 18, 2012, the day I was physically escorted from the building where I had worked. Less than a week later, someone reached out to ask me to help with their website. My business started,…

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